How to deal with stress?
In our modern fast-moving world stress became a major problem. Burnouts, hysterias and depression: all this can be caused by stress. We work hard and work a lot, we have exams and just stressful periods at work, and it doesn't only affect us negatively, but also might affect those who are around us.
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to deal with stress and relax. Let's take a look at those that you can use on a constant basis.
1. Breathing
Breathing excersises can be extremely effective when it comes to dealing with stress. Besides, you can make them anywhere.
Find a soft and calm music (you can find those on any yoga-related album) and start breathing. First, concentrate on beathing slowly. Then start counting as you breath in and breath out. I will provide some patterns of breathing. First number will be a number counting to which you have to inhale, and the second one would be for exhale. Start with 4-4. Repeat 2-3 times until you are comfortable in that range. Move to 4-6. Repeat 2-3 times. Then 6-6. And 6-8. And finally 8-8. Repeat all 2-3 times. After you got to 8-8 and repeated it a few times, slowly come back to your normal breathing rythm.
You will notice that you become much more relaxed and positive.
2. Quality time with ones you love.
Be it your SO, your friends or your family, spending some nice time with them will definitely affect you positively. Think of something fun you can do with them in your spare time. Board games, movies, or even a simple walk outside will already make you feel much better.
3. Tea, tea and one more time tea.
Hot beverages are a well-known remedy against stress. So find a perfect tea for yourself. There are plenty options on the market, but I personally prefer organic teas. What works best for me is black or green tea with apple and my favorite milk oolong. Try drinking them slowly, basically acknowledging every sip you take. Also, try taking some tea with you to the place where you get stressed out most for an emergency therapy. However, I would not recommed substituting tea for coffee, since caffeine tends to make you more tense.
4. Music
Listening to the music is also one of the good ways to deal with stressful situations. You know your music tastes better, so make yourslef a playlist of songs and melodies that help you relax and listen to them from time to time. And btw, don't force yourself to listen to someting "relaxing", that you don't like. Some people tend to find relieve even in hard rock, as it helps them get rid of anger. So just find whatever fits you best.
I truly hope, that my advices on this topic will be helpful for you, my dear reader.
If you try some of my options, please find some time to leave a comment on how it worked for you.
Have a very nice day!